Cosmic Dawn

The James Webb Space Telescope is taking us back to when the cosmic lights came on—and changing our calculus of the cosmos. University of Texas at Austin astronomers are at the forefront of discovery.


The Future in Texas Science
UT Austin’s College of Natural Sciences has a laser focus on impact.

The Ultimate Pack Rat
Proteins called condensins help pack two meters of DNA into a micrometer.

Science on Display
The Texas Science & Natural History Museum reopens in triumph.



Brain Decoder
Artificial intelligence made many remarkable advances this year. A type of mind reading was among them. 



Brainy Bilingual Babies
UT researchers study whether bilingual children are more efficient learners.

Nonlinear Thinking
To grasp a soap bubble’s shape or water’s flow, try a partial differential equation.

Bleeding Secrets
A vulnerability in encryption software is linked to computer processors.

All in the Genes
The cause of scoliosis is often unknown. Could genetics play a role?



Impressive Stats

Explosive growth in statistics, data science, machine learning and AI is transforming how UT Austin researchers solve problems in health, the environment, astronomy and many other disciplines.


 A Quantum Test
Quantum mechanics rankled a UT Nobel Laureate. Time to poke holes.

Futile Punishment
Neuroscience knows best for teens and addiction sufferers alike.

A 75,000–Generation Contrast
The Long-Term Evolution Experiment, now at UT, dates back to 1988.




Letter from the Hill Country
The first thing that caught my eye about the Hill Country were all the springs and spring-fed rivers.



Eclipses to Cross Texas
Texas sits under the X of two solar eclipse paths crisscrossing North America in the next year.
