Explore Online
Credit: Christian Benavides
Students experience science firsthand
Credit: Vivian Abagiu
The student experience at The University of Texas at Austin is all about exploration. Whether in a test kitchen with our nutritional sciences faculty member who’s a researcher and a trained chef, in the lab with leading scientists who use cutting-edge technology to make breakthroughs or at a job fair finding internship opportunities with employers who value a world-class education, students here discover through experiences. Only the College of Natural Sciences at UT Austin is home to the nation’s largest undergraduate research program, the Freshman Research Initiative.
Credit: Vivian Abagiu
Credit: Vivian Abagiu
Peek into what our students get to experience with every major at: txsci.net/cnsexperiences
Nutrition major Lila Opincar prepares food for guests in the Susie Jastrow Teaching Kitchen on campus. Natural Sciences undergraduates also conduct research in scientists’ labs, present their findings at events like the Undergraduate Research Forum and participate in day-long research projects called Science Sprints.